Evaluation of Basic Knowledge of Electrosurgery among Gynecologists

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Ghada Adel Eldesouky
Abdelrahman Ali Hassan Emam
Rashed Mohammed Rashed


Background: Effective utilization of electro-surgical procedures  needs knowledge about sources of energy and electrical circuits to deliver the wanted tissues influence. A deficiency of knowledge concerning electro-surgery can impact patients’ outcomes and security negatively.

Objectives: The current work aimed to assess the basic knowledge of electrosurgery among Egyptian gynecology residents.

Materials and methods: The present study was conducted on convenience sample among gynecology residents at Al-Azhar university hospitals(Damietta, El-Hussein, El-Sayed Galal, El-Zahraa, Assuit), Damietta generalized hospital and Damietta specialized hospital. The present study is across sectional study, A survey has been performed to assess the grade of fundamental knowledge and attitude concerning electro-surgery usage between gynecology residents. The assessment of participants’ knowledge was performed using 20 questions within the questionnaire. 1 point was assigned for each question.

Those answering right got 1 point, and those answering wrong got 0 points. The total score of knowledge was calculated for each participant, the minimum possible score was 0, and the maximum possible score was 20.

Participant's knowledge scores were  classified into different levels (low, moderate, and high) based on the cutoff point was 50% and 75%. Those scoring less than 50% of the total (score less than 10 points) was classified as low knowledge level, those scoring between 50% and 75% (10-14) was classified as moderate knowledge level, those scoring above 75% (15 and more) were classified as the high level of knowledge.

Results: one hundred twenty gynecology residents who accepted to answer the questionnaire have been comprised in the work and their knowledge scores mean was 12.18 . number of residents who have high level of knowledge are 30 (25%),who have moderate level are 50 (41.6%) and who have  low level are 40 (33.3%).

Conclusion: Gynecologists in Egypt had moderate fundamental knowledge concerning the consistent and effective usage of electro-surgery.

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